Fees, Rebates & Cancellation
It is important to me to offer good psychological care and counselling support for a reasonable and affordable fee.
Should you feel your financial circumstances are a barrier to seek assistance please contact me to have a chat about options.
Sessions are 60 minutes.
The full fee is $145.00 for individuals, $200.00 for couples.
If you have a referral by a GP or psychiatrist ('mental health care plan') you are entitled to a$ 84.80 Medicare rebate.
Full payment is due at the end of each session. The Medicare rebate may be processed immediately after full payment.
I accept Visa, Mastercard (debit or credit) or cash.
I am also registered with most major private health funds, the Department of Veterans' Affairs as well as Carers NSW.
Employee Assistance Program
If you are working and your organisation/company uses the services of ACCESS EAP (Employee Assistance Program) you can ask ACCESS EAP to be referred to me. Depending on the agreement between your employer and ACCESS EAP you might be entitled to up to 6 sessions.
Please contact me for any questions about this program. Otherwise you can ring ACCESS EAP on 1800 81 87 28 to arrange a referral directly to me.
I am also registered with Drake WorkWise with respect to Employee Assistance. They can be contacted on 1300 135 600 for a direct referral. Please check with your employer if they are registered with Drake WorkWise.
CarersNSW found support for carers so they can see a psychologist in their local area. Please ring the Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737 . You can be directly referred to me.
Of course, unforeseen things can happen and you might need to reschedule a session. This is what I consider a fair cancellation policy. It applies to all appointments made:
Appointments will be confirmed by SMS. Rescheduling is possible if you give me at least 24 hours notice. This gives me the opportunity to offer the time slot to clients on the wait list and keeps the fees at a reasonable and fair level.
If you cancel your appointments with less than 24 hours notice the cancellation fee is $ 77.50 (50% of the full fee).
Should you feel your financial circumstances are a barrier to seek assistance please contact me to have a chat about options.
Sessions are 60 minutes.
The full fee is $145.00 for individuals, $200.00 for couples.
If you have a referral by a GP or psychiatrist ('mental health care plan') you are entitled to a$ 84.80 Medicare rebate.
Full payment is due at the end of each session. The Medicare rebate may be processed immediately after full payment.
I accept Visa, Mastercard (debit or credit) or cash.
I am also registered with most major private health funds, the Department of Veterans' Affairs as well as Carers NSW.
Employee Assistance Program
If you are working and your organisation/company uses the services of ACCESS EAP (Employee Assistance Program) you can ask ACCESS EAP to be referred to me. Depending on the agreement between your employer and ACCESS EAP you might be entitled to up to 6 sessions.
Please contact me for any questions about this program. Otherwise you can ring ACCESS EAP on 1800 81 87 28 to arrange a referral directly to me.
I am also registered with Drake WorkWise with respect to Employee Assistance. They can be contacted on 1300 135 600 for a direct referral. Please check with your employer if they are registered with Drake WorkWise.
CarersNSW found support for carers so they can see a psychologist in their local area. Please ring the Carer Gateway on 1800 422 737 . You can be directly referred to me.
Of course, unforeseen things can happen and you might need to reschedule a session. This is what I consider a fair cancellation policy. It applies to all appointments made:
Appointments will be confirmed by SMS. Rescheduling is possible if you give me at least 24 hours notice. This gives me the opportunity to offer the time slot to clients on the wait list and keeps the fees at a reasonable and fair level.
If you cancel your appointments with less than 24 hours notice the cancellation fee is $ 77.50 (50% of the full fee).